Day 10
Speak the Truth in Love
"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is Christ."
Ephesians 4:15
A girlfriend once asked me what I thought of her dress. It was clearly one of her favorites and just the fact that she asked me should have sent warning flares up in my brain. Back then I had not yet realized the need for a relationship warning system to be installed. I also had a problem discerning the truth from my opinion. So, I told her what I thought about the dress.
Now before I tell you what I said, in my defense, the dress was polka-dotted. Lots and lots of tiny polka-dots. Get ready to cringe because here is what I said, "I hate the dress. It makes you look fat. It has way too many dots."
For the official record, this girl has never had a fat day in her life. She was born doing Tae Bo and had to wear athletic cut diapers. But clearly from the look on her face my answer was not the answer she was looking for. Not being a total idiot (just 95% idiot), I quickly added, "I don't think you're fat. I just think the dress makes you look fat. It's the dots. The...uh...dots."
The bible tells us we are to speak the truth in love. Sometimes the loving thing to do is to just keep your mouth shut. Besides when Paul tells us to speak the truth in love, he is talking about the truth of Christian instruction, not fashion tips. He is warning us not to use the truth as a weapon to tear somebody down, but as a tool to build somebody up.
So, I want to apologize to this girl (now woman), who shall remain nameless. (She has a name, I am just not going to use it). Her memory of this may be different than mine or it may be a repressed memory that I have once again brought to the surface. She is now married and her husband, whom I've never seen, might be bigger than me, so I double apologize. I apologize for the remark about the dress and for so many other things. I apologize for harboring ill feelings towards your wiener dog. He was a great dog but his little claws put a run in my favorite pair of polyester slacks. I apologize for thinking that your Christmas tree without any needles on the limbs was kind of depressing. It was a beautiful tree and y'all did an amazing job flocking it. I just thought evergreens were supposed to be green but I really have no room to talk because our tree was made from aluminum and was only green when that color came around on the color wheel. I could keep going because my offenses were legion, but let me say once again, sincerely - I apologize.
Upon Further Review
Read Ephesians 4:14-16
- What can happen to us if we remain infants in Christ?
- Speaking the truth in love is supposed to help people grow like whom?
- Does speaking the truth in love break us apart or help us grow together?